Furby [Part 2]

If we're being honest, I was quite surprised that anyone besides me still cared about the Furby long after the fad ran its course. I'm not saying that to sound "cool" or whatever, I'm saying it because I genuinely believe that, even with as popular as something might've been at a time, I'm the only one who really found any long term interest in animatronic toys. That being said, I won't deny that I'm thrilled to pieces to see the Furby find an audience for longevity, because lord knows they deserve it.

I cannot even begin to tell you all the weird things people make with Furbys. Some people mash multiple ones together to form long worm like Furby creatures, and one guy went so far as to make a Furby organ, which is amazing. They also, despite being labeled a "fad" never went away, and were continually updated to run with more high end tech. Now their eyes are digital and they can connect with apps. Furbys have really come a long way since they first hit the market and simultaneously amazed and terrified everyone.

And I'm not gonna lie, I don't totally hate the new Furby designs. Sure, there was something really perfect about the original look, but the new digital eyes are also admittedly pretty cool, and I like how interconnected they are with our modern technology. In all honesty, it kind of feels like this is what the Furby was always meant to be, but simply had to wait for our tech capabilities to catch up before it could achieve that goal, kind of like how Netflix always had that name but streaming simply wasn't a viable option when they first started their DVD market.

It's cool to see a toy evolve, you know? Most just stay the same, minus a few possible aesthetic adjustments over time to make them more modernly visually appealing, but otherwise they remain the same toy as they were thirty years prior. But the Furby - and perhaps because it's an electronic toy - was able to bypass that and actually evolve, only lending further credence to the concept of its "life". Brilliant, honestly. And I'm so happy the thing is still around to this day, and I'm glad to see entire Youtube channels dedicated to Furby's. I'm glad they didn't fall by the wayside and simply become fodder for yet another Buzzfeed listicle as "fads you'll cringe at remembering!"

It deserves, and obtained, much better than that.

And it makes me personally happy, because for once it felt like my weird obsession with something was vindicated. Like maybe my interests weren't so small and strange, and could somehow be adapted as something other people really like and appreciate. I'm glad to know that I'm not the only one out there who likes animatronic toys made of weird animal type creatures who speak their own language. Maybe I'm not such a weirdo.

Maybe everyone is just as weird as I am.

And that's a comforting realization in a world that's often made me to feel like I'm an outcast.

...wasn't this supposed to be about a toy?


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